Mark Twain said, "Twenty years from now your will be more disappointed by the things that you din't do that by the ones you did. So through off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream, Discover."
This quote appears in a website intended to help people discover what they are passionate about so they can live with greater significance.
The apostle Paul's passion in life was largely driven by concern for the eternal destiny of others. in 2 Chorintians 5, he names the three things that fueled his passion. First, he recognized that he was accountable to Christ for his service and wanted to give a good accounting at the judgement seat of Christ (vv.9-10). Second, Paul was driven by Christ's love abd desire that others would know the love that he had experienced. In verse 14 he wrote, "For the love of Christ compels us." Finally, he understood that a lost and dying world needs the Saviour (v.20)
What are you passionate about? Pail's passion for people was fueled by the love of Christ---and ours should be as well. Let's apply Twain's words of challenge to our efforts in outreach: Sail away from the safe harbor." Share the love of Christ with someone today.
--Bill Crowder (taken from Our Daily Bread)
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